
I’m Bolupe Maborukoje,

It’s lovely to meet you.

For over a decade, I’ve been helping women to live rich, creative, and bold lives by changing how they see themselves.

As someone who has completely changed my own emotions, I know what it takes to change yours.

Years ago, I hid behind my family and my work.

My emotions were one of insecurity, fear, and not enoughness.

I was convinced that something was wrong with me, and I was really good at proving that true.

Now I know the truth:

I wasn’t broken but my emotions were. Little by little — I started to think like the woman I wanted to be, dress like her, show up like her, and create surroundings that felt like her

And, today I can look in the mirror and honestly say, “I’ve become her.”

Becoming her has completely changed my life — incredible relationships, a thriving company, a greater sense of well-being, more confidence, and joy.

This is the power of elevating your emotions.

At Emotion Allies, we help you get ready to:

See yourself as smart, remarkable, beautiful, and powerful.

Think highly of yourself — full of self-respect and self-love?

Know yourself deeply — what you love, what turns you on, what lights you up?

Show up on purpose — how you dress, how you carry yourself, how you use your time?

Look in the mirror and really love the image reflected back to you.

See yourself as the remarkable woman that you are.

1. Extraordinary Mindset

This is all about: How you think about yourself. Your habits. Your actions. How you think about others. How you see the world. And how you see yourself!

2. Extraordinary travel experiences

This is all about: Where yo go. How you wear it. How you walk into a room. How you respond. How you communicate. The way you express yourself. Flare. Panache. How to be uniquely YOU.

3. Extraordinary Surroundings

This is all about: Your home. Your environment. The books you read. Your music. What inspires you. The places you visit. The foods you eat. The delights that give you joy.

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